
5 Myths About Small Dogs

Does A Small Dog = A Big Attitude?

Small dogs seem to have a reputation for certain behaviours such as being difficult or unaffectionate or yappy. The list of stereotypical behaviours could go on, but these are generally dispelled as myths as owners get to know, love and understand that their small dog doesn’t even think of himself that way.

Here are some of the more common misconceptions about small dogs that have contributed to the stereotypes.

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Children are Safer Around Smaller Dogs

There are certain behaviours adults are cautious about when it comes to their children and dogs. It is assumed that large dogs can possibly bite or otherwise harm children while small dogs are not that way.

The reality is dogs are dogs, regardless of their size. In most circumstances, small or large dogs don’t even perceive their actual size with large dogs trying to still fit in their owner’s lap and small dogs becoming a ferocious beast when it comes to protecting their alpha owner. Any dog will respond to their nature to become aggressive when it comes to protecting their own. We must all be respectful of their boundaries and what can set them off.

So, when it comes to deciding on what type of dog to have, consider temperament more than size.

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Small Dogs are Lap Dogs

While this may be the longing wish of many a dog owner, it does not hold true for all small dogs. Small dogs have a lot of energy and can be “full of beans” when you are just wanting them to quell and sit with you. While there are some breeds that want nothing more than to sit at your feet, others have stores of energy and want nothing more than for you to play with them.

This is behaviour that can be managed with training, although it does not eliminate the nature of the beast. So again, before assuming that size dictates the behaviour, study the temperaments of the different breeds for a better understanding of the type of dog you want to have.

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Small Dogs Need Less Maintenance

Size matters on the expense account when it comes to food and grooming. This is true up to a point. Small dogs still need the same attention when it comes to training. The same big dog tendencies exist in a small dog, such as chewing on your favourite shoes or destroying your upholstery. In some ways, a small dog may even be more destructive. All dogs have a prey drive and many have been bred specifically for this trait.

While small dogs do not eat as much food as large dogs, they likely need more frequent visits to the potty simply because their bladders are much smaller.

Finally, just because a dog is small does not mean it will not shed, and sometimes they might shed even more than their larger counterparts.

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With a Small Dog, There is Not the Same Need for Exercise

This is almost a default idea, assuming that a tiny pup does not need the kind of exercise a large dog requires. Believe it or not, in some cases, they need even more.

A small dog packs a lot of energy into a small package. While larger dogs do well with one walk per day, small dogs are better off with at least two. Further, all dogs are migratory creatures, so a turn outside is good for their need to smell all the smells and identify the territory. It also does wonders for their mood.

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Small Dogs Are Not Very Good Watchdogs      

Where to start with this one is a good question. To begin with, don’t let the sound of a small dog’s bark fool you. They are actually a better method of dissuading intruders because of their agility making them harder to catch. They are very good at evasive tactics and making enough noise to chase the would-be criminal away.

Small dogs have an unyielding desire to protect their owners. This faithfulness coupled with their incessant noise means they can outlast the worst of them. In some cases, when it comes to the tenacity of a watchdog, the smaller, the better.

Small dogs provide a world of comfort and fun and companionship, there is no denying it. It is important to do your due diligence and learn what you can about a breed that you may be interested in before bringing one home.

Consider temperament, training, socialization and your own lifestyle to be sure you can provide a suitable environment for your pup to grow into being a happy, confident and well-adjusted dog.

By Olivia Harper 

Olivia Harper is Co-Founder of Daily Dog Stuff - Your Guide For a Better Life For Your Dog

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